Stourbridge Navigation Trust (SNT) was originally built on a group of volunteers who came together to restore the almost derelict Bonded Warehouse. This spirit of volunteering has continued for over 40 years although the efforts are now differently focused on maintenance rather than restoration. We have to keep up the standard of the Grade 2 listed building and with increased use of the building it is a never ending task with much of the work being no more complicated than many with basic DIY skills will be doing around their own homes (e.g. painting, plumbing, minor repairs etc.), though there is always an opportunity to learn new skills.
The core group of the volunteers is the Tuesday Club, so called as it meets every Tuesday from around 9.30 to 3.30, breaking for morning coffee and lunch. We will always welcome new members to the Club whatever skills they are able to offer.
The Tuesday Club is supplemented by others for the events run by the Trust, primarily the annual Open Weekend in October and the ever popular Santa Experience. At times we can have up to 40 volunteers on site.
The Trust has insurance in place to cover all volunteers while on site.
How about joining us?
If you are interested then simply pop down for a chat on a Tuesday morning when there is always someone there who can describe the volunteering role in more detail.
The Trust itself now has a responsibility to maintain the standard of the area we control and maintain for use by the community. If you wanted to take things a stage further or felt that your skills were better suited then you might want to consider volunteering as a Trustee.
The Trust is a multi-facetted organisation. The Board currently of 12 consists of members with service ranging from 40 years to 3 years, all are active working volunteers, and they determine future strategy and control finances. The Board is supported by a band of volunteers, the core being the Tuesday Club but with many more who volunteer for particular events such as the Santa visits when we have up to 40 volunteers running the event. The Trust is ably assisted by paid staff consisting of the Trust Manager, Caretaker and Cleaner. The Board has a volunteer Secretary who is a qualified Solicitor. Alongside the Trust is the wholly owned trip boat company, Fellows, Morton and Clayton Ltd., with a manager and its own Board of Directors.
We are always on the look-out for new volunteers with any skills and new volunteers are made welcome by the team of enthusiasts who aren’t necessarily canal boaters but merely wish to get involved with a community asset in some way that aligns to their skills/experience.
David Caunt, Trustee, Stourbridge Navigation Trust