Stourbridge Navigation Trust Introduces an Online Donation Facility
The Bonded Warehouse and Canal Company Offices has become one of the most well-known landmarks in Stourbridge. It has come a long way from the derelict building and adjacent canal, both which were under threat of being obliterated, when the Stourbridge Navigation Trust, a voluntary charitable body was set up in 1980s to save these historic assets.
Two hundred year old buildings however require substantial ongoing and costly maintenance to fight both the ravages of time and the current wear and tear of a variety of community usage. Consequently we constantly need to work hard to generate the necessary funds to keep them in good order. This has been particularly challenging in recent times as Covid restrictions have prevented some of our major annual fundraising events that are usually well supported by our local community taking place.
As a new way to generate financial support our Trustees, Geoff Cooke, Lance Cartwright and Chris Dyche have recently been working on setting up an Online Donation facility that as you can see from today’s launch, has just been added as a “Donate Button” to our Bonded Warehouse Website Home Page.
The system we have chosen to underpin our Online Donation channel is well-proven and secure and is used by over 6000 UK charities to raise funds and process donations. It also makes it quicker and easier for people wishing to support the Trust to make their donation using what has become commonplace technology for many. We will also soon be introducing a QR Code link to the Online Donation system on our stationery and posters.
However, if you’d like to donate by phone, do give us a call on 01384 395216 between 9am and 3pm, Monday to Friday, and our Trust Manager, Heide, will be happy to help.
Alternatively if you want to pop a cheque in the post you can send your donation to Stourbridge Navigation Trust, Canal Street, STOURBRIDGE, West Midlands, DY8 4LU. Please make cheques payable to Stourbridge Navigation Trust.
Stourbridge Navigation Trust is committed to preserving its historic buildings and associated structures into the future and is really grateful for any financial support it receives from you to achieve this. It helps us to keep working hard on a facility that we’re passionate about and really makes a difference in helping to maintain and improve our unique buildings for the local community.
Ian Cowdale,
Chairman, Stourbridge Navigation Trust [Registered Charity Number: 1094294]